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The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
Love Haiku 1
by Sara McGoodwin
Romance Goddess
Ashland, OR
Close my lips hover
Where your neck curves to shoulder
I inhale your heat.
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LOVE -Simple Hearts
Simple Hearts
flowery streets
Rogue States
alien life
in the dream, the haze
To come near you
me see your eyes
kiss me
Bee My Sweet
and the youthful breasts
in ointment
Through the flowers,
matching cheeks
promise to you
morning moments
and words
in a panic
rising sun,
colors, chrysanthemums
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by Aline Natasya
(Jakarta, Indonesia)
within the wall I hide...
within the screen I write..
within you I am in love..
break my wall...
take my screen ...
show your self...
pull me closer...
wrap your arms...
kiss me...
make me yours...
written by Aline Natasya
Image from Google
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Time is the enemy of love
The thief that shortens
All our golden hours
I have never understood then
Why lovers count their happiness
In days and nights and years
While our love can only be measured
In our joys and sighs and tears!
~ T. S. Eliot
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by Sylvia L. Ramsey
(Augusta, GA 30907)
When I am with you
Space is limitless, and
Time is without meaning.
When I am with you,
Love explodes, into
Flowers like music on
Vibrating notes rising
To a crescendo!
When I am with you,
The highest heights
Can be scaled,
Fear is non-existent.
When I am with you,
The farthest distances
Even to galaxies unknown
Are but stepping stones
To ecstasy
We are lovers eternal,
Who can be parted for only
Brief moments in the
River of time.
When I am with you,
Is to love
Is to live,
Is to be.
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by Joan mae
(taguig city)
When you need someone to be there for you, I'd be just sitting right beside you.
Loving you is like breathing...I just can't stop.
I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day that I find it is the day I'll stop loving you.
Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you... I wish that someday I'd dream about my pillow and I'd be hugging you.
Set a place for me in your heart and not in your mind for the mind easily forgets but the heart always remembers. I love you
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The Right Words To Say – Ronnie Goodyer
I was once advised not to use ‘beautiful’
just write as clearly as you see the vision;
add shimmers of verbs darkened with reason;
bring through a forest’s enchantment
and let it glow like a kingfisher in moist air;
use truth, like a tear on the face of a friend
and the strength of a butterfly in a rogue wind;
first love when your heart is screaming
and sunlight, sleeping in pools of golden leaves;
choose the blue hills that mix with stars
and add the towering yellows of autumn.
This is the advice I was given
but I’ll still call you beautiful
as I search for the right words to say.
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by carlos gonzalez
(california, usa)
too the love of my life shirley sea from carlos gonzalez from california, usa
Despite our flaws & mistakes, what u & I have told one another in the past, right or wrong one thing I do know is that I will always love you and cherish every second spent with you.
Te amo con todo mi Corazon
Don't ever think que I don't might not tell you
Often or might not tell you how much appreciate the things you do but I do love and care for you
Can't live without your love,kisses,huggs. Big smile on your face every time I'm with you In sorry for what I said or have said please forgive me baby I only wanna be with you and the road ain't perfect but without you there is no me....
I love you baby you blessed me Da day you came into my life and change my whole world
01-12-08 Da greatest day of my life
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by l@u
(london, uk)
Your eyes r showing me desire, my heart feels weak...i cant go higher, i ve spread my dreams under your lips, but, damn this all seems much like fate, indeed. though i do my best i shall scare instead, u whisper in my ears and everything looks true wrapped in the echoes of your voice i just cant get away from u,,,
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by Duska Vrhovac
(Belgrade, Serbia)
First, I raised my head towards the sky
and put my hands together
closed the palms.
On the ceiling of a temple
one funny angel winked at me
bringing a smile to my face.
Seeing me smiling
the Lord just waved off
and as rigorous as He is
He smiled too.
Then I silently
spelling letter by letter
cherishing them with the lips
moistened with the Jordan’s water
called your name.
The angel winked again
and God got serious.
My first thought
it seemed like packing a suitcases
for the pilgrimage trip
inside yet nothing
and around just the relics:
prayer book
photos stored in the iris
memories of tears and laughter
deaths and births
lost and found words
and the hope in prophetic, a new
impossible, sweet and cruel
without which there is no life
nor death.
The second thought was:
Goodness gracious, move that suitcase
it cannot take the thoughts about the trip
let alone so much baggage.
Now, the angel got serious
and the Lord smiled again.
I, whatever I touched
felt just anxiety.
Only the emptiness of suitcase
was watching me quietly.
I called your name again.
The Lord looked at me motionlessly
but as he uttered a single letter
as if I heard something important, paternal: Aaand ...?
Bring him, Lord
I said out loud, and I opened my eyes.
I saw the angel taking off
and I saw the Lord
still motionlessly looking at me
with a paused question mark on his lips.
Bring him, Lord
I repeated clearly
while laying warm hands on the chest
in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer
and crossed myself.
Then the fireworks began.
Two doves frightened
of very loud sounds of celebration
whooshed just above my head.
The suitcase shut itself, empty.
Those relics of the former life
scattered around
entered into the shadows of their own
I set foot into the eve
the festive, New Year’s one.
Hunched, in front of me,
the Lord walked
or maybe just his shadow
who knows.
I acted foolhardy and now I uttered
his question Aaaand?
He turned
looked at me straight in the eye and
humanly, little pensively, spoke:
Sometimes I need help too.
It lasted, face to face with Him.
He and I, and between us - you!
No fooling, as if I heard.
It will open heart and die as Krishnamurti
like a deer in a quiet forest
in the light of the new moon
or it will close it completely, irretrievably
and live as another unborn I.
Then the fireworks stopped.
We remained for some time
in the comforting silence
of this festive eve
the Lord or his shadow
and we, you and me.
It all looked so literal
but it was a real life
so real that you would not believe.
After, you and the Lord left
each to his own side
I am still standing there
fearing the steps that lead
to the other side I have just chosen.
©Duška Vrhovac
(Translated from Serbian: Aleksandar Maleševic)
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by Lady Vivian
(Memphis, TN)
Beyond the azure of My questioning eyes
Who can be blue with red hair
flowing as swans come calling
Who can be blue with red hair
flowing as swans come calling
Yet, I yearn to cross the ocean where
my lover has gone, forever longing
When time stood still, an indelible time
for two lovers engaging awe of splendor
exploding with fusion of body and soul
A prior understanding. not withstanding,
never to know of each other again
I, soul searching, exploring deep within,
beyond the azure of my questioning eyes
could we have overcome former commitments
while filling an ocean with my endless tears
Blue forget-me knots now adorn my
hair, where once he stroked softly
his fingertips so gentle with love
I know he pines for me, for detail
remembered, the way it used to be
vastness of space just can not erase
Now my aging eyes to dry up that ocean,
please come back my love
(c) Beyond the azure of My questioning eyes
29July2011 Vivian L. Dawson
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Some loves may come your way,
And captivate your mind,
And some loves may touch your heart,
With words so sweet and kind.
But, your love has touched me deeper,
More than you'll ever know,
More than merely capturing my heart,
You're etched upon my soul.
A love that will forever burn,
Like an eternal flame,
And long after we both are gone,
Our love will always remain.
For our love is eternal,
Forever, come what may,
A love that can't be measured,
Like the hours in a day.
And someday amongst the heavens,
Written with stars across the sky,
On the list of the greatest lovers,
Will be the names of you and I.
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by Duska Vrhovac
(Belgrade, Serbia)
When that woman picks apples
two rainbows reach up to the sky
and the red apples at her fingertips
quiver and fall like burning kisses.
When that woman plucks wild flowers
her back bent like a bow brings fortune
the scent of her hair is primal desire
and the horizon turns gold and thickens.
When that woman dresses her child
everything about her subtly shifts
and suddenly out of nowhere he sees
their house full of children together.
(© translated by Richard Burns with Vera Radojevic)
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by abraham anhwer
(takoradi,west africa,Ghana)
Give all to love;
Obey the heart;
Estate,good-fame,plans,credit and the muse,-
Nothing refuse.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
My friend, Alan is an accomplished writer of erotica, poetry and now songs! Check out his romantic song about one of the most romantic moments in life: the marriage proposal!
I can just picture the guy on bended knee with the back-up band in the wings! Cue the music!
With no further ado--
We’ve been together for so long,
And I think the time is right,
Something I just need to ask you girl,
And I need to know tonight.
So much has changed for me,
Since you came into my life,
I need you so much, you see,
And I want you for my wife.
So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
It’s with you that I want to be,
I’m asking you baby, please.
I never thought I’d find someone,
As sweet and kind as you,
Someone I can love so much,
And loves me so much too.
So many years I’d been alone,
Without someone to care,
And when I finally did find love,
It was like an answer to a prayer.
So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
I need you so much you see,
I’m asking you baby, please.
I’ll have to say, the joy you’ve brought,
Has made my heart sing,
And my heart would sing a joyous song,
If you would wear my ring.
And we could spend our lives as one,
Until our dying day,
I just need an answer from you,
Just answer when I say.
So girl, will you marry me?
As I’m down here on my knees,
It’s with you that I want to be,
I’m asking you baby, please.
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
Cool Feeling by Maria Beata Tungaraza from Tanzania
I see passion in your eyes,
Every inch of your body speaks,
What a cool feeling it glows,
And when that moment picks,
Say it all in my vernacular,
The message is so intense,
In the language I understand best.
Walk me by the moonlight,
Sit me by the candlelight,
It is all stunning bright,
Our instincts are all alert,
You are my crystal,
Not another glass of champagne.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
As the setting sun denies its light,
And the darkened sky cloaks the night,
As the full moon castes its gentle beams,
I'll be alone again, with my dreams,
And if my dreams shall come true,
I'll be alone again, holding you.
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Have seen dawn and sunset on moors and windy hills
Coming in solemn beauty like slow old tunes of Spain:
I have seen the lady April bringing in the daffodils,
Bringing the springing grass and the soft warm April rain.
I have heard the song of the blossoms and the old chant of the sea,
And seen strange lands from under the arched white sails of ships;
But the loveliest things of beauty God ever has showed to me
Are her voice, and her hair, and eyes, and the dear red curve of her lips.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Cupid and Psyche
Your passion burns so very deep,
Like secret dreams when you sleep,
The passion burns so deep inside,
Such deep desires that you hide,
What can I do, what can I say?
Let your passion come out and play.
Like a wild, caged up beast,
Your passions need to be released,
Will it take a kiss to your lips?
Or the gentle touch of my fingertips,
I want you in my arms to hold,
As your passions start to unfold.
You've hid your passion for too long,
Now in my arms is where you belong,
As we hold each other close and tight,
And enter into this passionate night,
Something that is so long overdue,
Time to release the passionate you.
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by siva
hai i am not a poet to express my love i simply say i love you
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As often-times the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.
And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.
But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
How did you know I needed you?
That I really needed someone new,
How did you know I was alone?
When suddenly you came along.
Did you know you’d brighten my day?
That I really needed a friend today,
Did you really know it’s been a while?
That I have seen so bright a smile,
It’s been so long since I could share,
Time with someone for which I care,
I think we can both shed our past,
And make this thing really last
It’s been way too long since I felt like this,
A natural high, a state of bliss,
To be with someone who can understand,
The simple pleasure of holding your hand,
And after years of perpetual night,
Suddenly the future looks bright,
You brought me up from an all time low,
You came just in time, but how did you know?
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
I often wonder if what I feel,
Is just an illusion or something real,
For when these feelings begin to start,
I wonder if they’ll break my heart,
Or will they stoke the burning fires,
That masquerade as my desires,
And turn my inner burning lust,
Into something built on trust,
Because these fires always burn,
And so it seems I’ll never learn,
For when these feelings do begin,
I always seem to dive right in,
Again I’ll get my just desserts,
All the heartbreaks and the hurts,
Again I’ll heed this passion call,
And again in love I will fall,
And should this love come to an end,
I hope my heart will somehow mend,
So I can pick myself up off the floor,
And fall in love, again once more.
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by Dwayne P. Carter
(Greenwood S.C. USA)
Your smile is earth's sunshine
Your laughter is my favorite song
Your voice is the greatest instrument
Your words have calmed raging storms
Your heartbeat plays a perfect rhythm
Your love will remain immeasurable
Your eyes speak an Angel's truth
Your mind strengthens a weary soul
Your body is the most beautiful statue
Your walk carries a mesmerizing stride
Your presence is my light by day and moon by night
You are the spirit that gives life its will to survive
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I have to adore the earth:
The wind must have heard
your voice once.
It echoes and sings like you.
The soil must have tasted
you once.
It is laden with your scent.
The trees honor you
in gold
and blush when you pass.
I know why the north country
is frozen.
It has been trying to preserve
your memory.
I know why the desert
burns with fever.
It was wept too long without you.
On hands and knees,
the ocean begs up the beach,
and falls at your feet.
I have to adore
the mirror of the earth.
You have taught her well
how to be beautiful.
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by Kenneth William Cowle
(Ontario Canada)
Outside my window
There was this Rose
so full and ruby red
This Rose I saw
your face in bloom
It was you
I saw instead
Inside I smiled
and felt at ease
a feeling of being free
My Rose so sweet
two souls complete
you came to rescue me.....
by Kenneth William Cowle
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simmers on the kitchen stove.
All afternoon dense kernels
surrender to the fertile
juices, their tender bellies
swelling with delight.
In the yard we plant
rhubarb, cauliflower, and artichokes,
cupping wet earth over tubers,
our labor the germ
of later sustenance and renewal.
Across the field the sound of a baby crying
as we carry in the last carrots,
whorls of butter lettuce,
a basket of red potatoes.
I want to remember us this way—
late September sun streaming through
the window, bread loaves and golden
bunches of grapes on the table,
spoonfuls of hot soup rising
to our lips, filling us
with what endures.
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by Samantha Towler
(Chester, UK)
Two corpses clenched together,
In the soft dew of morning,
Silently singing the joys of love,
To unawakened ears.
Their bodies framed by the shining heather,
How lovingly they embrace,
Bound together by love's fire,
Forever sharing this sacred space,
Where nature weeps at their beauty.
A rain begins, it fills their eyes,
Confirming a love that never dies,
I feel their hunger, I feel their souls,
And as our kiss ends there is only you,
Filling my soul,my heart, my life,
In this eternal tryst.
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The gray sea and the long black land;
And the yellow half-moon large and low;
And the startled little waves that leap
In fiery ringlets from their sleep,
As I gain the cove with pushing prow,
And quench its speed i' the slushy sand.
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
Three fields to cross till a farm appears;
A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch
And blue spurt of a lighted match,
And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,
Than the two hearts beating each to each!
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by mindbringer
(Northern Colorado)
Turning slowly you begin to sing.
Earthly paradise vibrates in you,
Every movement serving to beguile!
Lips like pillows smile,
Eyes green as spring.
Green eyes of dew!
Hair as red as Betelgeuse,
Red hair long and loose.
My heart takes wing,
flies o'er your cello curves.
All I see now is everything!
That which has never been seen before,
is much more than man deserves.
Much more!
At the end of night,
The harbinger of morning crows to his delight.
Breath takes flight, gone too my sight!
Thighs soft as silk,
breasts firm with milk,
belly round with life unborn.
The campfire's glow
accentuates your show.
Goddess, you will give birth to our universe!
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There is a lady sweet and kind,
Was never face so pleas'd my mind;
I did but see her passing by,
And yet I love her till I die.
Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,
Her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles,
Beguiles my heart, I know not why,
And yet I love her till I die.
Her free behaviour, winning looks,
Will make a lawyer burn his books;
I touch'd her not, alas! not I,
And yet I love her till I die.
Had I her fast betwixt mine arms,
Judge you that think such sports were harms,
Were't any harm? no, no, fie, fie,
For I will love her till I die.
Should I remain confined there
So long as Ph{oe}bus in his sphere,
I to request, she to deny,
Yet would I love her till I die.
Cupid is winged and doth range,
Her country so my love doth change:
But change she earth, or change she sky,
Yet will I love her till I die.
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by Dina Darling
Keep in mind
Your breath is my very reason for love
Enticed by your words
I bathe in the wishes all the stars have had
Intimate touches leave glowing imprints on my skin
For nothing has ever felt so sweet as this
Distance keeps you
From resting your head beside mine
I see you
Do you truly see me?
I have sucked on patience long enough
I need refreshment for this desirable thirst
Your fear is more blinding than the sun
And I am terrified you are missing out
On the best thing that will shine in your life
Close your eyes and let night consume your heart
You will only be free
If you give in to the comfort of darkness
Surviving the darkness will bring the contentment of light
I will guarantee your protection
My kisses will set your night on fire
What stops you from running into my open arms?
Drink down my love
Acknowledge me
Complete my trust
Be mine
Love me
Desire me
Want me
I am yours
Our heat no comparison to the hottest sin
Dream with me
Dream of me
Love me
As much as I love you
Why do you leave me waiting?
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by Bertram Gibbs
(Lynn, MA)
Dedicated to Danielle McKiel
Not so long ago, there was a land that was covered in teeming cities. Towering skyscrapers filled the horizon and people came and went to their destinations every minute of every day. Some went to and from work; others went to play and to enjoy the sights there were to see.
But behind the shimmering steel and glass, there was a dark wooded area that few entered. And in the deepest part of the forest lived a wolf.
Wolves are a solitary creature by nature, usually staying within their pack. But this wolf was more alone than the others. The wolf had no pack or mate to keep him company, and in truth he preferred it that way. He would only venture out of his dwelling for food, then return back to eat his meal and stare out of the mouth of his cave. If anyone came near, his hackles would rise and his teeth would bare, a low growl coming from the pit of his stomach.
The reason for this was he had lived a life of trying to be part of a pack and to give himself to a female wolf, only to be bitten, scratched and his fur and skin torn so many times, all he had were scabbed over wounds to keep him company and remind him of what he now felt were foolish endeavors. The wolf felt that if he kept to himself, he would bear no further hurt.
For years he stayed within the shadows of his lair, warily peering out of his dwelling for anyone or thing that entered his line of vision. If another wolf, creature of the forest or human entered his area, the wolf would not immediately attack; he would stay in the ebony shadows, watching, waiting and assuming the worst was to come. If they moved closer to the mouth of the cave, it was only then did he release a low growl of warning to the creature to keep their distance.
Yes, there were areas outside of the forest the wolf could travel, but to do so would mean he would have to interact with other creatures. So the wolf kept to the perimeter of his area, never going beyond the invisible line he drew. He knew that there was more food to eat and places to discover outside of the wall he created, but he allowed himself to be satisfied with what he could nourish himself with within.
Then one day the wolf saw a light coming from beyond the trees. The light pulsated and danced through the dense bush. He tried to push his curiosity away, feeling that this was a trap of some sort; one that would only succeed in bringing him more pain, but as the light grew in intensity, the wolf found himself scrabbling forward slowly towards the glow. He would suddenly be aware that he was moving outside of his area and scurry back to the safety (if not comfort) of his cave.
The light shone all day and all night and maddened the wolf who wondered what could be giving off such a level of illumination. Then one night the wolf sighed to himself, squared his shoulders back as if to prepare for the very worst and ventured through the brush and the trees to the source. He glanced down at his paws moving forward, seeing them bring him closer to the edge of his area. At the line, the wolf closed his eyes and took a single step forward, expecting claws to scratch and rend, teeth to bite and tear, and a voice in his mind telling him that this is the price he paid for curiosity.
The wolf opened his eyes and he felt his jaw hinges loosen and part slightly. Before him was the most captivating creature he had every seen. It was standing on a ridge overlooking the skyscrapers, tall with its head tilt back and fiery wings spread out at its side. He could not see its face or its expression, but he sensed an overwhelming peace and joy coming from it. The wolf quietly approached the fiery bird cautiously. He knew fire and had been burned by it on a few occasions, but sensed that the flames that covered the animal came more from within than without.
“Hello, Mister Wolf,” said the creature without turning.
The wolf stopped in his tracks, suddenly afraid to move either forward or back.
“It’s all right,” the creature continued. “You may come closer. I shall not harm you.”
Despite the fact that the wolf had heard those five words before (and recalled the pain and anguish that came with it), his curiosity piqued he moved forward until he was at the creature’s side.
“What are you?” he asked.
“I am a phoenix,” the creature replied. “And I have been waiting for you.”
At first the wolf was captivated by the sweet melodious tone of the creature’s voice. It sang to his soul and that was a feeling he had never felt before.
“Me?” asked the wolf regaining his composure. “Why me? How did you know I existed?”
“I felt a kinship to you,” she answered. “It covered the forest and led me here.” The phoenix looked down on the wolf and smiled. “I understand.”
Tears filled the wolf’s eyes at the two words, then suddenly dried. He looked upon the flaming bird with suspicion.
“What do you understand?’ he asked slowly.
“What is feels to be hurt,” she answered. “What it feels like to want to be part of something; someone, and be rewarded with naught but pain and derision.”
“How do you know this?” asked the wolf. “You are a beautiful creature. Your voice sings with no pain.”
“Once I did feel pain,” she answered. “Once I was trod upon, just like you. And each time I died a little. Then one day another caused me so much pain, I finally ended my existence.” She extended her flaming wing and caressed the wolf. “Then from the ashes of my life, I was reborn into this.”
The wolf gazed dreamily at the phoenix, already missing her gentle touch.
“I wish I was reborn,” the wolf said. “I have so much friendship to offer; so much love. And I have tried,” he said in a defensive tone, as if he suspected she would not believe him. “But pain is all I have received in return.”
“And that is why I expected you, Mister Wolf,” she replied. “Because I could not have been reborn without knowing that there would be someone to join me, to share the rest of my existence. Someone who would never cause or bring me harm. Someone I can count on, such as you.”
The wolf did the one thing he had not done in most of his life.
He trusted.
“Would I have to die?” he asked, not fearing that the answer would be yes. “Because if that is what is needed to be with you, I would willingly give up my life.”
The phoenix smiled and folded her flaming wings around the wolf. He felt warmth and beauty coming from her and accepted it.
“No, Mister Wolf,” she said softly in his ear. “You do not need to die. You need to live.”
And with that the dark fur of the wolf glowed and matched the flames of the phoenix. Lightness filled every corner of his being and he felt himself fold within her.
And the wolf smiled. He felt it was where he belonged all along.
And together the wolf and the phoenix rose in the air.
And the cave that belonged to the wolf was abandoned to the insects and the small wooded creatures and the growth of grass that began to slowly fill its corners. And he was never to return, nor would he invite the phoenix to the dark shadows of the cave.
They had the open sky to explore and their lives ahead of them.
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by Thomas Anthony
(Milwaukee, WI)
meet me in the afterglow
when nothing else matters but us
& nowhere but here makes us who we are
as colorful as it gets
this naked moment outside time
feel my thoughts in what you touch of me
can you see yourself
the glow is the beginning
we as flesh-heavy angels
always come back to
meet me in the afterglow
with a smile on your lips
extending across every tingling atom of your
shining nudeness
the one time when
neither of us wears the pants in this relationship
meet me in the middle somewhere
I’ll be there in the afterglow
I’ll be there in the afterglow
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A sweet disorder in the dress
Kindles in clothes a wantonness:
A lawn about the shoulders thrown
Into a fine distraction--
An erring lace, which here and there
Enthrals the crimson stomacher--
A cuff neglectful, and thereby
Ribbands to flow confusedly--
A winning wave, deserving note,
In the tempestuous petticoat--
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility--
Do more bewitch me than when art
Is too precise in every part.
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by Zaklina Filipova-Svekjarovska
I gave you my soul:
handful of shimmering leaves
from the treetop of a birch
reached towards the sun
few rays Moon
and a few flowers
of healing meadow's herbs
tied by thread
of the spool magic
whose thread I follow
through darkness
up to the place
where your soul is lonesome
brooding into the sky
Forgive me because of the modest gift,
I didn't know how to became a star
to lighten you glance
because in this moment life
I learned just how to be a human,
woman carried
by whirlpools of the red river
which springs from the heart
and again pour in it
Zaklina Filipova-Svekjarovska
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Of all the things we celebrate,
There is one very special date,
That special day when vows were said,
Our special day when we were wed.
Of you my love, I was so fond,
To want to start a lasting bond,
It was a sunny Saturday in May,
That day we call our special day.
I still recall your walk up the aisle,
As you gave to me a secret smile,
I could not help but feel so proud,
The luckiest man in the crowd.
As I stood and held your hand,
I really began to understand,
For when we two were joined as one,
A whole new life had just begun.
And when they said to kiss the bride,
I felt so very proud deep inside,
Knowing that we'd be sharing a life,
You and me as man and wife.
And looking back upon it all,
It's the good times I recall,
And if you asked me to do it again,
You'd just have to tell me when.
So now that it's our anniversary day,
There's just some words I'd like to say,
Everyday my love grows more and more,
Even more today than the day before.
And since I am so very blessed,
To be with the girl who is the best,
Once again I'd like to say,
Happy Anniversary Day.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
I never meant to take you for granted,
Because you're the best I've found,
I truly cherish every moment,
Of the times you are around.
But now and then we say and do,
Things we don't intend,
My actions were just misconstrued,
I never meant to offend.
We all regret from time to time,
Things we do and say,
I just wish I could turn back time,
And take your pain away.
You mean so much more to me,
Than my actions can ever show,
I would never intentionally hurt you,
This I want you to know.
Sometimes we hurt the ones we love most,
But that never was my plan,
I just hope you can forgive me,
And accept me as I am.
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
The Luster of Our Moment
Will dance our minds away,
Share the sentiments all the way,
What a beautiful world to be,
Only known to you and me!
The luster of that beautiful moment,
Brings our hearts closer to our sentiment,
Binding our souls towards a special bond,
Only known to you and me!
(C) Maria Beata Tungaraza
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by Jo Anna Bella
(Washington, DC, USA)
Love Me Now!
Let your heart be free.
Open your pores, so that the stale sweat can come forth.
Vary the images that your mind sees,
Ease into my arms; forget the hurt.
My feelings may be new, but they’re true.
Every part of my mind, body, soul craves the essence of you.
No need to be logical, asking when, why, who?
One more chance, the gods and I have given you.
Will you waste or treasure it?…. It’s up to you.
(c) 1999
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by Kayla Marie
Baby lets take a trip down memory lane.
Let's go back in time where we kissed in the rain.
Babe time flies by so fast.
You're fragile like glass.
Come back to me you won't regret a thing.
I promise cause baby you're my everything.
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by Athena Gough
I am Paris
You are Rome
let us create international incident
reasons for postcards home
indulge in cultures of skin and
voice tone
fall in love and start a war
then retreat inside
leave the remaining world to
build up a wall to protect us
camouflaged in passionate affections
I've learned Heaven in 700 different
from the instructions you give my lips
as I surrender my land with your
hands to my hips
tonight we fight battles and build blockades
in the morning we'll make treaties
and I offer to surrender quietly if
you promise to be kind when you
tonight Paris meets Rome
rearranges the territory
kisses and
goes home
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'Twas a new feeling - something more
Than we had dared to own before,
Which then we hid not;
We saw it in each other's eye,
And wished, in every half-breathed sigh,
To speak, but did not.
She felt my lips' impassioned touch -
'Twas the first time I dared so much,
And yet she chid not;
But whispered o'er my burning brow,
'Oh, do you doubt I love you now?'
Sweet soul! I did not.
Warmly I felt her bosom thrill,
I pressed it closer, closer still,
Though gently bid not;
Till - oh! the world hath seldom heard
Of lovers, who so nearly erred,
And yet, who did not.
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
Scratch My Soul
Your love garden bubbles the bliss,
What a sweet memento I long to kiss,
Gracious me, scratch my soul,
Tickle my heart with vivacious touch!
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by Danielle DoNascimento
(Marlborough, MA USA)
I have had this secret,
For quite a while.
It's been so long,
I'm in denial.
I met an angel,
Not long ago...
Who drove me out,
Of my lonely world.
This secret of mine,
I dare not share.
I have been turning against the world's affair.
Letting out tears of divine pearls.
Sometimes I think I have shamed the world,
Because when I look at him...love unfolds.
I think I'm insane,
I do not know!
It feels kind of lame,
To let this feeling go.
I'm always shy when around him,
Not once but always the fear remains.
It's a warm feeling I'll never regret.
However, I wonder what is it like to regret?
But wait I remember I have known regret!
Being alone for eternity is like being a stone..
To care, to worry, to love, and not regret,
Is something I cherish even when I go to rest.
It's kind of funny not wanting to say.
That at times I have felt like I have loved him always.
Eternal winds' blow and roam around endless.
Not knowing where to go or stop for a test.
Humans live and fight for survival till death.
In the end, their most difficult test remains.
Why is love so kind and at times so cruel?
I have become restless,
Thinking this way...
You can't win love so easily,
And hope that it'll remain.
Love itself is a secret to unfold...
With every little step...
You learn to take hold.
My secret is not shame, nor is it bold,
My true secret is a true love's hold!
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by Fahredin Shehu
few words I've uttered
today that lasts eternally
"I love you"
and this is my sin
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I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea,
Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that
I would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me,
I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul
as it leads.
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Let's contend no more, Love,
Strive nor weep:
All be as before, Love,
---Only sleep!
What so wild as words are?
I and thou
In debate, as birds are,
Hawk on bough!
See the creature stalking
While we speak!
Hush and hide the talking,
Cheek on cheek!
What so false as truth is,
False to thee?
Where the serpent's tooth is
Shun the tree—
Where the apple reddens
Never pry---
Lest we lose our Edens,
Eve and I.
Be a god and hold me
With a charm!
Be a man and fold me
With thine arm!
Teach me, only teach, Love
As I ought
I will speak thy speech, Love,
Think thy thought—
Meet, if thou require it,
Both demands,
Laying flesh and spirit
In thy hands.
That shall be to-morrow
Not to-night:
I must bury sorrow
Out of sight:
--Must a little weep, Love,
(Foolish me!)
And so fall asleep, Love,
Loved by thee.
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I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear not fate
(For you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Love can be like water to a fish,
Love can grant your every wish.
Love can be like a bird in flight,
Love can turn darkness into light.
Love can drive away your fear,
Love can always keep me near.
Love can make you want to live,
Love can make you want to give.
I look at you and our fingers touch,
I know it is you I love so much.
It is my love for you that I feel,
My love for you is so very real.
My love has no beginning, it has no end,
On my love you can always depend.
Of my true love there can be no doubt,
For you my dear, I can’t live without.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Oftentimes the many thoughts,
That go on inside my head,
So many thoughts unspoken,
So much remains unsaid.
And sometimes the most precious thoughts,
Just never get put to word,
The ones with the most meaning,
Are the ones that are never heard.
Because when someone means so much,
I don't always have words to say,
For feelings that run much deeper,
Than mere words could ever convey.
And just because words aren't often voiced,
Doesn't make them any less true,
Words that have special meaning,
Words like 'I love you.'
So though I may not often speak,
The words you want to hear,
Know that you are still in my heart,
And my thoughts of you are dear.
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by kapardeli eftichia
(Greece-patra )
Your hands to grab
begging for something
hide my whisper
not to lose the love
Our first kiss
whisper in my ear
hide and this is not
Hide there where
Our love living memory
And if you want to come
Come one hidden
not to see
Come as an invitation
body and heart
Death and love together
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Had we but World enough, and Time,
This coyness Lady were no crime.
We would sit down, and think which way
To walk, and pass our long Loves Day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges side
Should'st Rubies find: I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood:
And you should if you please refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than Empires, and more slow.
An hundred years should grow to praise
Thine Eyes, and on thy Forehead Gaze.
Two hundred to adore each Breast:
But thirty thousand to the rest.
An Age at least to every part,
And the last Age should show your Heart.
For Lady you deserve this State;
Nor would I love at lower rate.
But at my back I alwaies hear
Times winged Charriot hurrying near:
And yonder all before us lye
Desarts of vast Eternity.
Thy Beauty shall no more be found;
Nor, in thy marble Vault, shall sound
My echoing Song: then Worms shall try
That long preserv'd Virginity:
And you quaint Honour turns to dust;
And into ashes all my Lust.
The grave's a fine and private place,
But none I think do there embrace.
Now therefore, while the youthful hew
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing Soul transpires
At every pore with instant Fires,
Now let us sport us while we may;
And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
Rather at once our Time devour,
Than languish in his slow-chapt pow'r.
Let us roll all our Strength, and all
Our sweetness, up into one Ball:
And tear our Pleasures with rough strife,
Through the Iron gates of Life.
Thus, though we cannot make our Sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Precious are the moments that we share,
Gentle is the touch that shows you care,
Precious are the days we spend hand in hand,
You always there to listen and understand,
Precious are the nights with you by my side,
Making all my fears go run and hide,
Precious are the minutes, hours and days,
For you are the one I will love always,
Precious are the glances you cast my way,
Reminding me that, it is here I will stay.
The time we spend is so precious to me,
There is no other place I’d rather be,
Having you to hug and to hold,
Always together, as we grow old,
Our lives together, so intertwined,
We walk together, your hand in mine,
Every waking moment, I think of you,
Our time together, seems so new,
We’ll always be together and never part,
For precious is the one who stole my heart.
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by R.B. Kines
(Flint, MI)
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
A Bliss
My lap cries for your gentle sit,
The warmth of your sweet breath a treasured feeling,
The bliss of kiss our lips will tango a boundless thrilling,
The world kindly smiles our gentle intimate kiss.
Let our hearts talk as our lips enjoy the bliss,
The soul and mind will murmur the words,
Through its stream the blood drizzles hot,
The planet is ours this spur of the moment!
(c) Maria Beata Tungaraza
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Of all the things you've given to me,
As proof that the best things really are free,
If I had to narrow it down to one,
It would be the birth of our only son.
Watching him smile I become elated,
At the sight of the life we have created,
Our unimaginable pride and joy,
Disguised as a playful little boy.
When I gaze into his eyes of blue,
I cannot help but think of you,
For that and his curly locks of hair,
Are just two features you two share.
I see you in his playful walk,
I hear you in his playful talk,
I've you to thank, my loving wife,
For giving me this new life.
If anyone ever needs proof of our love,
There's no need to look to Heaven above,
Because Heaven is right here on this Earth,
In the eyes of the child you've given birth.
And some day when we are long gone,
Our love will surely always live on,
In the product of a love beyond compare,
Our playful, little, special heir.
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by Michael C. Bernard
My mind is clouded,
the distance - its mist
I cannot see,
But for a dream,
You exist.
Crossing the milky way,
Or just another side..
drip..dripping well
shall always persist!
And Tap, tap, tap,
The pool is fresh!
I cannot taste it,
feel it -
At night before my bed
I kneel before it.
An angelic light, it..
consumes my might -
My hands,
they feel gentle again,
unafraid to touch.
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Bright Star, would I were stedfast as thou art -
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors -
No - yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever - or else swoon to death.
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by Joseph Adkins
(Campton, Kentucky US)
World Go By
Come Dance with me,
Let the world go by,
let time slip on
it doesn't really matter
as long as you are mine
and I am yours
and you spend your day
smiling that smile
and writing your first name
and my last name
with little hearts to dot the I's.
Come dance with me
let them say what they will
Let them talk
they don't know this chemistry
this collision
the flow and poetry between us
It doesn't matter
as long as you are mine
and I am yours
and you spend your day
dreaming of a life with me,
and twirling this ring on your finger
Come dance with me
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(Belgrade, Serbia)
If love fails to give you much
love then with gentler touch,
love with purer selflessness,
fuller joy
and deeper gladness,
for the more one yields
the more remains.
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by Julian Georges
(Armidale, NSW, Australia)
The leaves melt on an autumn day,
as our memories fade into grey,
but the smell of your scent still makes me weak,
whenever I drift into sleep.
Even roses mourn when winter hits,
They cry for the times they know they missed,
but they know that their red will shine again,
when they're sitting in their summer bed.
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Your love garden bubbles the bliss,
What a sweet memento I long to kiss,
Gracious me, scratch my soul,
Tickle my heart with vivacious touch!
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
I watch you lie so quiet and still,
You really are a lovely sight,
So many dreams you helped fulfill,
As I recall our previous night.
As the morning sun begins to rise,
I watch you lie silent on the bed,
A soft glow dances upon your eyes,
The pillow softly cradles your head.
The morning sun bathes you in light,
As you slowly start to awake,
My thoughts soon turn to delight,
As I think of the love we can make.
Though we loved the night before,
I wished it would never end,
At the sight of you I yearn for more,
To make love to you again.
Your smile drives my imagination wild,
Please tell me that you can stay,
Your touch releases my inner child,
My inner child wants to play.
It's in these quiet times we spend,
That it's you I'm thinking of,
Times I wish would never end,
I will never tire of your love.
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"I want to see you.
Know your voice.
Recognize you when you
first come 'round the corner.
Sense your scent when I come
...into a room you've just left.
Know the lift of your heel,
the glide of your foot.
Become familiar with the way
you purse your lips
then let them part,
just the slightest bit,
when I lean in to your space
and kiss you.
I want to know the joy
of how you whisper "more". Rumi
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She should never have looked at me
If she meant I should not love her!
There are plenty ... men, you call such,
I suppose ... she may discover
All her soul to, if she pleases,
And yet leave much as she found them:
But I'm not so, and she knew it
When she fixed me, glancing round them,
What? To fix me thus meant nothing?
But I can't tell (there's my weakness)
What her look said!---no vile cant, sure,
About ``need to strew the bleakness
``Of some lone shore with its pearl-seed.
``That the sea feels''---no strange yearning
``That such souls have, most to lavish
``Where there's chance of least returning.''
Oh, we're sunk enough here, God knows!
But not quite so sunk that moments,
Sure tho' seldom, are denied us,
When the spirit's true endowments
Stand out plainly from its false ones,
And apprise it if pursuing
Or the right way or the wrong way,
To its triumph or undoing.
There are flashes struck from midnights,
There are fire-flames noondays kindle,
Whereby piled-up honours perish,
Whereby swollen ambitions dwindle,
While just this or that poor impulse,
Which for once had play unstifled,
Seems the sole work of a life-time
That away the rest have trifled.
Doubt you if, in some such moment,
As she fixed me, she felt clearly,
Ages past the soul existed,
Here an age 'tis resting merely,
And hence fleets again for ages,
While the true end, sole and single,
It stops here for is, this love-way,
With some other soul to mingle?
Else it loses what it lived for,
And eternally must lose it;
Better ends may be in prospect,
Deeper blisses (if you choose it),
But this life's end and this love-bliss
Have been lost here. Doubt you whether
This she felt as, looking at me,
Mine and her souls rushed together?
Oh, observe! Of course, next moment,
The world's honours, in derision,
Trampled out the light for ever:
Never fear but there's provision
Of the devil's to quench knowledge
Lest we walk the earth in rapture!
---Making those who catch God's secret
Just so much more prize their capture!
Such am I: the secret's mine now!
She has lost me, I have gained her;
Her soul's mine: and thus, grown perfect,
I shall pass my life's remainder.
Life will just hold out the proving
Both our powers, alone and blended:
And then, come next life quickly!
This world's use will have been ended.
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by Kushal Raj Patnaik
(chandrapur, maharashtra, india)
when i see you,
i am butterflies.
you make me speechless
that's how you make me feel...
when i have you,
i m in light,
just come so close
that you feel my heart,
beating with yours...
hug me so tight,
that i dissolve in you
only to find the world
as beautiful as you...
kiss me so loving,
that even the gods feel jealous...
touch me so gentle,
that every flower would die for it...
look at me with those splendid eyes
that transfix me
to look back to you
and to be in love with you,
for ever and ever more!
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When Spring in sunny woodland lay,
And gilded buds were sparely set
On oak tree and the thorny may,
I gave my love a violet.
"O Love," she said, and kissed my mouth
With one light, tender maiden kiss,
"There are no rich blooms in the south
So fair to me as this!"
When Summer reared her haughty crest,
We paused beneath the ruddy stars;
I placed a rose upon her breast,
Plucked from the modest casement bars.
"O Love," she said, and kissed my mouth--
Heart, heart, rememb'rest thou the bliss?--
"In east or west, in north or south,
I know no rose but this!"
When Autumn raised the purple fruit
In clusters to his bearded lips,
I laid a heartsease on the lute
That sang beneath her finger-tips.
"O Love," she said--and fair her eyes
Smiled thro' the dusk upon the lea--
"No heartsease glows beneath the skies
But this thou givest me!"
When Winter wept at shaking doors,
And holly trimmed his ermine vest,
And wild winds maddened on the moors,
I laid a flower upon her breast.
"Dear Heart," I whispered to the clay,
Which stilly smiled yet answered not,
"Bear thou to Heaven itself away
True love's Forget-me-not!"
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Of all the girls I've held and kissed,
Very few I've truly missed,
Even less have held my heart,
During the times we were apart,
Rare are the ones that make me yearn,
Or make my passions truly burn,
Few are the ones that felt so right,
As we held each other through the night,
But after all is said and done,
For me there can be only one,
And of all my loves from the past,
Only one can truly last,
For, of all the girls that I once knew,
Only one I've loved like you.
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The Lover is ever drunk with Love.
He is mad,
she is free.
He sings with delight,
she dances with ecstasy.
...Caught by our own thoughts,
we worry about everything.
But once we get drunk on that Love
whatever will be, will be. ~ Rumi
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by Diane Caudle
(Monroe, NC)
Mother and Child
Lady of my dreams how I adore you,
Lady of my nights how I implore you,
Mesmerizing woman, thief of my heart
Enticer of men, such a passionate tart.
Spinning her web, her prisoner entwined
Captivating kisses, so delightfully divine
Golden-haired diva, Angelina was mine
Bewitching, beguiling so sensuously fine.
Lady of my dreams how I adore you,
Lady of my nights how I implore you
Mesmerizing woman, thief from above
Charmer of men, heavenly angel of love.
Lady of my dreams, lady of my rhyme
Seducer of my heart, her wishes were mine
Promises of riches, diamonds, and gold
Worlds of wealth and fortunes untold.
Lady of my dreams how I adored you,
Lady of my nights how I implored you
Mesmerizing woman, thief of my tears
Phantom of the dark, Angelina disappears.
Enchantress of men, and sorceress divine
My angel had vanished, leaving no sign
Harsh morning appears, the sun rises at dawn
Lady of the darkness, Angelina was gone
Dream lover of mine how I adored you,
Goddess of my nights how I implored you
Mesmerizing beauty now gone from my sight
Captive of my lady, now I wait for the night.
Diane Caudle
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This is to the crown and blessing of my life,
The much loved husband of a happy wife;
To him whose constant passion found the art
To win a stubborn and ungrateful heart,
And to the world by tenderest proof discovers
They err, who say that husbands can't be lovers.
With such return of passion, as is due,
Daphnis I love, Daphnis my thoughts pursue;
Daphnis, my hopes and joys are bounded all in you.
Even I, for Daphnis' and my promise' sake,
What I in woman censure, undertake.
But this from love, not vanity proceeds;
You know who writes, and I who 'tis that reads.
Judge not my passion by my want of skill:
Many love well, though they express it ill;
And I your censure could with pleasure bear,
Would you but soon return, and speak it here.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
This was written by request for Breast Cancer Awareness Month...
You're going through a lot right now,
This truly is an ordeal,
I can't begin to imagine your pain,
Or how you really feel.
I know how important your body is,
And you're as beautiful as can be,
And no matter what the future brings,
You'll always be beautiful to me.
I wish I could take away your pain,
And make your body new,
But I can only be there for you,
To show my love for you.
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by Donna Clarkson
(Durant OK USA)
Romantic Painting: The Honeymoon: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Love is laughter on a day you need it.
When beauty fades yet your heart remains the same.
You are warmed by the sound of your lovers voice alone.
It makes it all better with a smile.
Your needs become their wants.
Heartbeats are in sync as if you were one.
Growing old doesn't scare you but being without your soulmate does.
They take your breath away yet you can't breathe without them.
Kisses become electrifying.
Love is heaven on earth.
Love is you.
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In that book which is
My memory . . .
On the first page
That is the chapter when
I first met you
Appear the words . . .
Here begins a new life
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
How do you know when you’ve found the one?
How do you know that your search is done?
Is it something she says, is it in her talk?
Or the way she moves, is it in her walk?
Or is it in her touch, her soft caress?
Or what she wears, is it in her dress?
Or is it what she thinks, is it in her mind?
Or how she treats you, by being so kind?
It’s all of the above, and yet so much more,
When you’ve found the love you’ve been searching for,
When you find the girl that won your heart,
Your heart will ache, when you’re apart,
You need to tell her when you’re alone,
You need to call her, to pick up the phone,
Just to tell her the words she longs to hear,
How much you miss her and wish she was near,
How lovely her voice sounds on the line,
How knowing she’s yours makes you feel fine,
When she’s in your thoughts both day and night,
When being around her just feels so right,
When you fit together like a hand in a glove,
Then you know you’ve found your love,
Then you know you’ve found the one,
Then you know that your search is done.
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A Maiden wept and, as a comforter,
Came one who cried, "I love thee,"
and he seized
Her in his arms and kissed her with hot breath,
That dried the tears upon her flaming cheeks.
While evermore his boldly blazing eye
Burned into hers; but she uncomforted
Shrank from his arms and only wept the more.
Then one came and gazed mutely in her face
With wide and wistful eyes; but still aloof
He held himself; as with a reverent fear,
As one who knows some sacred presence nigh.
And as she wept he mingled tear with tear,
That cheered her soul like dew a dusty flower,
Until she smiled, approached, and touched his
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by Rowan Jones
(Orlando, FL, USA)
Tip of a teasing tongue tears asunder, into such passion.
A consuming rising ache, conjured in twilight heat.
Forced rushing breath, escapes expectant lips.
Subtle serpentine spinal curve forces hips skyward.
Oh ecstasy, oh sweet strong caress of urgency, of need.
Have your way.
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A cool fall breeze, bright colorful leaves, a scarf wrapped around snugly
Cheeks turning pink, eyes will at each others peek, boots laced up tightly
Thick cotton socks, no need to look at clocks, children nearby on a slide
Love in the air, your lover's stare, your forever right there by your side
The biggest great lake, huge waves that break, Superior when she is mad
Leaves that are blowing, your smile growing, hearts need no longer be sad
Seagulls that dive low for popcorn you throw, your heart can also now fly
Memories of our love, toasty lined leather gloves, so happy you could cry
Two souls did meet now only one heart beats, love that will forever stand
Her sweet laughter, wanting her for ever after, music from a far off band
His love he is holding, a lighthouse glowing, walking to the end of the pier
A brisk fall day, a Love there to stay, so happy your eyes will begin to tear
A nice picnic lunch, real love, no longer a hunch, her heart in yours is felt
Sailboats racing, two lovers embracing, his heart yours could always melt
I Love You, I Love You too, words spoken that have never been more true
Drawbridge rising, her passion surprising, lying on a blanket in plain view
A double-knit sweater, life can't be better, two hearts that begin to swell
Old ship anchors, incoming tankers, Duluth Harbor alive and doing well
White caps confer, looking at her, happy that she will become your bride
Eyes filled with desire, hearts on fire, kissing her and not wanting to hide
Always together, lovers forever, in the arms of passion they will be tonight
A horse drawn carriage, talking of marriage, a future that will burn bright
A cruise and dancing, starry sky watching, two hearts for each other pound
The noise level may be loud, but two lovers hear no crowd, in heaven tonight
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by mindbringer
(Northern Colorado)
The winds blow cold now o'er a dark Aegean sea,
waves languorously lap this red Ionian shore
where ruins of fabled Illium lie heaped upon the sands.
My fading mind wanders back to days of you and me,
down the dog-legged roads of yesterday
where ancient children dance and play.
Now songs are sung of our love; of our lore!
Our tales are told even in far and distant lands.
As I lie still (free at last!) near the sacred lake
down whose black river I must soon be borne,
I thought not of the thousand rotting hulks
nor their thousand captains haunting sunken reefs.
Nay, my last thought...my last effort...the last breath I take
is of you from whom I now am torn.
Even the great sea-god cries and sulks:
"Their love so great and true. A love beyond belief!"
Oh evil Solstice, what hath thy wrought?
Now your face, pale as the moon, has returned
to caress my soul and mind one last time.
Skin like ivory
white as the sun-bleached rocks of Thessaly!
Thighs like honey,
your muted cries...
as they lit the fires
upon my funeral pyre.
The black-cloaked criers...
The coins upon my eyes...
mindbringer, 21 June 2010
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by Danielle DoNascimento
(Marlborough, MA USA)
In my dreams a boy appears,
without a trace and no fear.
He was an angel from above,
Who protected my own heart.
Even though we knew each other,
He and I would be apart.
We would hide our own true feelings,
To just be friends and never talk...
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by Anita Denning
(Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia )
Once upon a wishing star
I dreamed a place a land so far
Where kings and Queens in times of old
Were all adorned with sheets of gold
There I saw a man so fine
I felt I've known through all of time
He took me gently by the hand
And let me dream of all I can
Of all my wants and hearts desire
My soul did melt with his warm fire
His hands so soft, his magic touch
His smooth sweet voice, his stories and such
Then when came the time to leave
He kissed me true for I believe
In Love, is why my soul it sings
Of a land so far and my Prince of Kings
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How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Long distance love, how are you?
Are you thinking of me too?
I thought about you again today,
Just hoping that you are okay,
Can’t you please pick up the phone?
As I sit here all alone.
Long distance love, do you recall?
The times it seemed we had it all,
The times we thought would never end,
But now I need more than a friend,
Everything could be so right,
If you would just come home tonight.
Long distance love, can’t you see?
How much you really mean to me,
Sometimes it seems to be my fate,
To have to sit at home and wait,
But if this is what I have to do,
I will always be here for you.
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William-Adolphe Bouguereau- Evening Mood
Had I heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor,have only my dreams:
I have spread my dreams under your feet:
tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats (1865–1939). The Wind Among the Reeds. 1899.
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Drink to me, only, with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kisse but in the cup,
And Ile not look for wine.
The thirst, that from the soule doth rise,
Doth aske a drink divine:
But might I of Jove's Nectar sup,
I would not change for thine.
I sent thee, late, a rosie wreath,
Not so much honoring thee,
As giving it a hope, that there
It could not withered be.
But thou thereon did'st onely breathe,
And sent'st it back to mee:
Since when it growes, and smells, I sweare,
Not of it selfe, but thee.
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by Jazz
(London England)
So In Love With You
My Feelings Flow True, Thru
I Have Stopped Playing Seek & Hide
While Your On My Mind
I'm Just Biding My Time
This Essence Of Energy
A Moment, A Second, A Touch, A Breath,
A Kiss Of Fleeting Joy
I Wait For Your Loving Touch
By Your Hands I Yearn For So Much
By Jasmine Page
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stuck here on electric linger
studying eccentric fingers
this one here, his love is music
his touch does electrify
oh my
like touch was inspired by his hands
my skin awaits like eager fans
'autograph me' is what I wish to
tag my voice with your name's refrain
till your name and my exhale are...
till your name and my breathlessness are...
make me like your center stage
write your music on my page
make melodies of
my heartstrings
practice me till all is right
I'm inspiring muse tonight
tonight I am electric lights
bright up high
and set for you
and the lights read 'I want you'
all I want is wanting you
and music
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
Blame me not for my adoration,
Stealing my dreams not an abomination,
My profile allowed I reckon will have confessed,
I remain but a silent admirer,
Suffering heed to nature’s condemnation.
I bet I will escape my closet,
In your humble arms I’ll beg shelter,
Kiss the dimples of your cheek,
Confess my love condemned by nature,
Blame me not.
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by Fahredin Shehu
Alas the solstice promises
This year plenty of opportunities
I’m not ready to challenge life
With that much abundances don’t I?
As she trained me to pass
Through narrow canyons
And all visible and invisible Kinvats
I use to follow only a quantum of happiness
And find joy in there
Surrounded by ocean of bitterness
Wondering how I endured
Such a long distance swimming
Do I believe in such impact?
The constellation of heavenly bodies
Are keen to arrange for me
I yet do not know
All I know is love
Yes I know it by heart
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There's a faith in loving fiercely the one who is rightfully yours
especially if you have waited years and especially if part of you never believed you could deserve this loved and beckoning hand held out to you this way.
I am thinking of faith now and the testaments of loneliness
and what we feel we are worthy of in this world.
Years ago in the Hebrides I remember an old man
who would walk every morning on the gray stones
to the shore of baying seals, who would press his
hat to his chest in the blustering salt wind and say his
prayer to the turbulent Jesus hidden in the waters.
And I think of the story of the storm and the people
waking and seeing the distant, yet familiar figure,
far across the water calling to them.
And how we are all preparing for that abrupt waking
and that calling and that moment when we have to say yes!
Except it will not come so grandly, so biblically,
but more subtly, and intimately in the face
of the one you know you have to love.
So that when we finally step out of the boat
toward them we find, everything holds us,
and everything confirms our courage.
And if you wanted to drown, you could,
But you don't, because finally, after all
this struggle and all these years,
you don't want to anymore.
You've simply had enough of drowning
and you want to live, and you want to love.
And you'll walk across any territory,
and any darkness, however fluid,
and however dangerous to take the one
hand and the one life, you know belongs in yours.
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by Tzynya L. Pinchback
(penned for my husband while on Church Street)
you are the last bloom of summer feathering
in the night sun, plucked
from the bare maple branch, crimson
in the hand
a quickening
in the breast
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by Dwayne P. Carter
(Greenwood S.C. USA)
I am hers
She is mine
Eternal love
Peace of mind
Lovers forever
African Queen
African King
Longevity seen
Growth of beings
Warm blood flows
Heavenly lives lived
Bright tomorrows
I am hers
She is mine
Forever and ever
Until the end of time
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
We started out as a couple of friends,
Who saw each other now and then,
Two people hurt many times before,
And afraid of getting hurt once more.
Slowly we began to share long walks,
And share our thoughts in quiet talks,
And of each other we soon grew fond,
Realizing we shared a special bond.
Hearts that harbored so much pain,
They never thought they'd love again,
Secretly wishing that they would find,
Someone to give them peace of mind.
Hearts that searched so far and wide,
For the love that went missing inside,
Souls that roamed long and far,
Wishing upon most every star.
Then one day my wish came true,
I found love again and it was you,
There was a piece missing from my soul,
You were the one who made me whole.
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Hands that now tremble and shake as they reach to hold mine.
Hands that I kiss and hold tenderly and will throughout time.
Hands that warm my heart with more heat then even our sun.
Hands that I will love and cherish until our time here is done.
Lips that you press hard against my now old and wrinkled cheek.
Lips that tell me that your heart still has all its passion and heat.
Lips that I kiss with all of the tenderness I feel for you in my soul.
Lips that still excite me to the point that I nearly still lose control.
Eyes that are still beautiful though hazed over and frosted with time.
Eyes that see my soul clearly and continue to love this heart of mine.
Eyes that look at me with admiration even when I am not at my best.
Eyes that healed my soul and gave me courage to challenge any quest.
You came and sat beside me lying your head so sweetly on my shoulder.
You awaken memories of passion and love that did and still do smolder.
You have owned my heart and soul from that beautiful day we first met.
You are my soul-mate, my forever, and the miracle that God to me sent.
I Love You with all the passion that my heart for you has always felt.
I am committed to you forever my darling, my heart you still do melt.
I know our love is forever and I will love you until the very end of time.
I am yours forever and when we meet in heaven you will still be mine.
We accepted all life's hardships, and challenges that did come our way.
We held each other letting our love guide us through every rough day.
We will always be in love although in one area you did not do your best.
We are one because I reached for the stars while you accepted far less.
In my arms I hold you tightly while the daylight of our lives fades away.
In our hearts there is undying love though our bodies turn old and gray.
In each others arms knowing that our mate may not be here tomorrow.
In our heart our mate will be there to help us through this great sorrow.
If tomorrow the sun shines, I hope that I am blessed to see you there.
If we are still together then that means God has answered my prayer.
If though you awaken to find you face alone all life's stormy weather,
If you listen to your heart I am there holding you we have just begun
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Come to me in my dreams, and then
By day I shall be well again!
For so the night will more than pay
The hopeless longing of the day.
Come, as thou cam'st a thousand times,
A messenger from radiant climes,
And smile on thy new world, and be
As kind to others as to me!
Or, as thou never cam'st in sooth,
Come now, and let me dream it truth,
And part my hair, and kiss my brow,
And say, My love why sufferest thou?
Come to me in my dreams, and then
By day I shall be well again!
For so the night will more than pay
The hopeless longing of the day.
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Here is a romantic poem that really captures the gut-wrenching passion of being head-over-heels in love with someone. Reflecting often on those powerful feelings years down the road can help to revive a "complacent" relationship.
Please do not mind if you feel my fingers running through your hair
While you are sleeping and with tears in my eyes, I lie here and stare
You may never know what I feel while you are lying there so still
With tears that I try and hide at night, I ponder if you are real.
I look into the face of God's most beautiful and ultimate present
And vow my love to you, knowing that you were Heaven sentWhy was I blessed with this vision that keeps me up nightly
Can this love that I have for her be a gift from the almighty?
Is it be possible for this love that I have for her to even be?
What would I tell my true love if my heart could just speak free.YOU MUST KNOW that I Love You, and you are my true mate.
Before there was you, my life was filled with bitterness and hate.
Your essence is what keeps and gives my heart the will to live
Without you in my heart, my soul would me, never forgive.My heart is so full of you as I lie here, my head on your pillow
Touching and caressing you softly while asleep you are so mellow.
YOU MUST KNOW that your presence in my heart has saved my life
That my heart cries for yours and that you are my eternal soul's wifeI LOVE YOU! I say softly, voice so full of emotions that I shake.
I am yours forever, please my love, do not ever my heart, forsake!
My love for you is so strong that it can not be captured in a song.
My love for you is lifelong and to my heart and soul to you belong.Tears once again start to stream, I awake and out-loud I scream!
OH MY GOD, can this be, you're in my heart but only a dream?
I beg to be shown where is this soul that my heart knows is real
She touched my soul, and her soul, also in my heart, I can feel.The stream of tears that have now etched canyons in my skin
As I search the Earth for my life's mate, tomorrow to begin again
I grow old and lonely hurting for you, how cruel have the fate's been
That at night I can hold you, only in daylight do my nightmares begin.Suddenly like an earthquake my whole body begins to shake
And I open my teary eyes and to my utter joy, my mouth falls agape
There you are shaking me from this cruel nightmare until I arose,
I look in the face of my one true love, I grabbed you and held you close.
YOU MUST KNOW sweetheart, to you I say, your heart is in my soul
and from now until the end of time, I will not for a second let you go.With tears in your eyes, you held me so close and said I must confess
I was not sleeping earlier when my hair and face you did caress.
To hear your love for me caused my heart to ache and I began to cry.
While you slept, I too vowed my love for you while beside you I did lieYOU MUST KNOW also, she said I awake at night and at you just stare
And also lie here caressing and running my fingers through your hair.
That I too thank God for sending your soul to me and our perfect love
And pledge my heart and soul to you forever here on Earth and aboveThere are not words that can express my feeling and deep desires
I Love you and that is all I can say unless there is something higher.
YOU MUST KNOW we both say, together, your love I'll never forsake
and if this is just a dream we pray to God that we never again awakeEach of us half of one heart, holding on to our one true love so tight
In loves grasp and so in love that our tears flowed heavy that night
Defenses gone each heart open and free, In unison, I love you so,
We were married in heaven, I am your forever, YOU MUST KNOW!
Remember the thoughts, smells, sounds and emotions surrounding your bone wrenching love for your mate and relive it all in your mind. Put yourself in the "feeling place" of that time. Delight in it. Do this for at least 17 seconds (or more!)and you will start to draw more of that delicious emotion to you.
DO NOT go to the place of lack and noticing that you may not feel as strongly about them now. That will simply serve to keep you in your current condition.
Focus on the positive if you want positive change. It works.
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by Mark Farrah
(Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.)
Watching you, admiring you is so sweet,
Won't use words to tell you that I love you.
I showed it to you, and you knew it,
You accepted my love, I see you love back.
I love loving you this way, its so sweet,
Nothing sticky, nothing physical.
When you look at me, and I look at you,
We talk in that way, and that is complete.
Watching you is all what I want, no other,
Won't tell you anything like love, I did show it.
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by Athena Gough
I try to stay convinced
that I like the distance
that space is what I need
I try to make-believe
that I'm cool as ice
when you're away from me
I try to occupy
my time with tasks
to keep you out of my head
but there are times
when we say goodbye
that I just take to my bed
I just grab hold
of pillows tight
give my arms a thing to do
but they aren't fooled
by my slick moves
they just ache more for you
I try to stay convinced
that I like the distance
it gives me room to grow
that it's good to wait
so I can play it safe
from the dangers that you hold
the dangers of
your strong embrace
the havoc of your lips
they push my soul
right past the edge
and into the abyss
I sense the dangers
of your mouth
in your words or wicked phrase
the things you say
course through my brain
and leave me scorched for days
I sense a danger
in your thoughts
it's something that I seek
be they thoughts of bliss
or my demise
no objection do I speak
no protest lies
inside my mind
perhaps it's that I fear
how much I enjoy
your wicked ways
is all that remains clear...
...but still...
I try to stay convinced
that I like the distance
your heat's too hot up close
it quickly destroys
all of my resistance
and the carnal is exposed
...and I do not oppose.
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by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
(Neosho, Missouri, USA)
I remember the recipe
the ingredients that combined
into a dish for souls to savor.
You are here.
You are not.
You are with me
Where I go,
Following the wind across the skies.
I once danced across the star flung skies
With you as spirit
my bond was forged
and my departure into life failed to sever it,
always there, ever behind my eyes
until full recollection returned and
I let your spirit touch my soul
merged again.
There shall be no missed turn of fate,
ever after, even after the fire ants
begin to sting there will be no forgetting:
I know now this is reality.
Love endures and you are with me -
this truth sings in my soul
and I know,
and I love.
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by Kushal Raj Patnaik
In the rain with you
When you came out running too
Being so mad, yet so wet,
A hug I wished could get...
And in the rain we walk together,
With a kiss as soft as feather
And with us, hand-in-hand,
Heaven seems the Deadly sand..
See the clouds how high they are,
And its reaches reaching far
Count the raindrops falling on you,
Yet even more, I LOVE YOU...
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Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white;
Nor waves the cypress in the palace walk;
Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font:
The firefly wakens: waken thou with me.
Now droops the milkwhite peacock like a ghost,
And like a ghost she glimmers on to me.
Now lies the Earth all Danae to the stars,
And all thy heart lies open unto me.
Now slides the silent meteor on, and leaves
A shining furrow, as thy thoughts in me.
Now folds the lily all her sweetness up,
And slips into the bosom of the lake:
So fold thyself, my dearest, thou, and slip
Into my bosom and be lost in me.
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by Athena Gough
(Ohio )
you left your promise
inside my lips
and my lips
the gift they gave
to yours was
flaming in my kiss
my love for you is endless
indeed I owe a debt
to show to you
the way you rend
me senseless
commence the lesson
I want to learn
what really makes you burn
while locked inside
this session
it's only you who'll reach me
wanted it melted
deep inside my head
the lessons that
you'll teach me.
I'll learn your subject well
I'm simply yearning
just to earn a moment
haunted in your spell
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Dearest, let these roses
In their purity,
Be a present symbol
Of my love for thee.
Underneath the blossom
Thorns are sure to grow;
Take heed lest you touch them,
They would pain you so!
Ah! my faults like thorns are,
But cannot they be
Hidden 'neath the flower
Of my love for thee?
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by babe
i was lost but now im found by you
i was confused but now sure im going with you
i give up but im back you help me through
i am weak you gave me strength to hold on to
yes! i love you babe your the one for me
and i will give my all just dont let me fall
coz babe and forevermore i trust in you d i believe in you my babe lorenzo
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Moment appease,
Enchanted clandestine,
In the heart of the night nature at ease,
Cuddled amidst the pond of adoration,
Mysterious rose its thorn pricks not!
Amiably my hand lends a gentle stroke,
Again and again with a fondle vigor,
When the rose blossoms why should I rebuke?
A kiss is not a bite tenderly congenial,
Entangled in body, mind and soul,
As tears roll down the ordained nature,
In dreams so sweetly we mutually meet,
The beauty of the rose the thorn pricks not!
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by Julian Georges
(Armidale, NSW, Australia)
The sun is high and the water deep
The touch of skin feels like purple sleep
And there softly I will stay
Caressed and comforted for the rest of my days
Her summer washes me away
And like a virgin she will see
For the love of love we will dream
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by staphne
To gaze upon my love,is to feel completely at ease.
I run my fingers through her hair,
And it smells of a warm breeze.
We stand in a timeless moment,together in a tight embrace.
Motionless in the night's air, observing every detail of her face.
The strength of her beauty has command over my will.
We spend every moment we can, and yet, can never get our fill.
Her personality seals the deal.I shall remain with her forever.
I make a pact with my self this day,to never lose this treasure.
I love her and she is the only one.
Love is a shy smile a sweet hello,
a soft caress.
Love is two hands entwined,a lingering kiss,a swelling of the heart.
Love is undeniable,unforgettable,unimaginable,and what every heart yearns for and needs.
Love is the greatest thing on earth.
Love is meant to be love, will never do you wrong.
Every wrong love leads you to the right love.
Every broken heart makes you stronger.
This is what my love is and means to me.
Sheryl McCall
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Sitting with you right next to me,
Nowhere in the world I’d rather be,
Your every move brings a smile to my face,
With your awesome beauty and natural grace,
I enjoy being with you day and night,
Being with you just feels so right.
Of all the loves I have known,
None have the kindness you have shown,
None have the charms that you possess,
None can match your soft caress,
None can match the joy you bring,
None can cause my heart to sing.
Of all the loves who have come my way,
None can match the passion you display,
None can speak the words that always sound right,
None can match the feeling when you hold me tight,
None can match your special charms,
When you hold me tight in your arms.
That’s why I know I have found the one,
A special love that is second to none,
I know in my heart that you feel it too,
That’s why my heart is my gift to you,
I just need to write this so I can say,
To my special love, Happy Valentine’s Day.
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by Michael C. Bernard
The wind is crazy tonight,
Some might think it romantic!
Still, my shadow lines the walls
Hay, breaking my fall.
Ideas wandering to streams close by,
And those that have yet to be known.
The wind is crazy tonight,
Soft Lamplight-
And some other boat being blown.
Do not stop the passion from growing,
I say, I whisper, I pray,
For we have yet to be shown.
The wind is crazy tonight,
My pen shall continue to roam…
The rain has its flaunting ways,
It allows for strays, for days and days,
Do NOT be stuck and unknown.
For the wind is crazy tonight,
Fine and fluttering and free,
Be like it – BE
Feel like it – Free
The wind is crazy tonight,
Passing sea, salt and stone.
And from within, there’s that flickering flame!
The fire that’s yet to be known.
The wind – its crazy tonight….
© 2011 All Rights Reserved –Michael C. Bernard
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
I have met so many women,
Some with model looks.
Others were so very bright,
Had knowledge found in books.
So many times a woman,
Has stood out from the crowd.
Hanging on my arm,
She really made me proud.
But over the years, as time has passed,
I've come to understand.
Most of those relationships,
Did not work as planned.
But now that I am older,
And somewhat more mature.
I have a greater understanding,
Of what it takes to endure.
And while a pretty face may tempt me,
Just like in the past.
I now look for something deeper,
Something that will last.
Though many a beauty has passed on through,
Like members of a passing parade.
I now long for that beauty,
Something that won't fade.
Because smarts and a pretty face,
May make for a wonderful start.
But for a lasting finish,
One has to look to the heart.
For to find a love that will truly last,
Through both thick and thin.
One that will survive the good and the bad,
It must come from deep within.
For when you meet that certain someone,
Whose heart is loving and kind.
And experience a love so deep and true,
That love is truly a find.
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by John Potts
late summer butterflies
sunlight and falling leaves
along the bramble path
? jp
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
Looking back on the time we shared,
Nothing else in my life has compared,
Ever since that day we walked down the aisle,
We have walked together for many a mile,
Joined together hand in hand,
Part of some much larger plan,
You have brought to my world such sheer delight,
Making my time on earth so sunny and bright,
I am so thankful for the time we spend,
Time together I hope will never end,
From the first time I saw your face,
I knew you were my saving grace,
Like a drowning man who’s been thrown a rope,
You’ve provided me such unending hope,
Casting my loneliness to the side,
Never once breaking your stride,
Like a gift from Heaven above,
I’m so thankful for your love,
A true love that will never fade,
I’m thankful for the love we made,
All the times we held each other tight,
Making love with all our might,
A special dance between the covers,
That could only be done by true lovers,
Thankful I have you to hug and hold,
Thankful for the passion you let unfold,
I pray this time with you will never end,
For it is time spent with my best friend,
So thankful for the joy you bring,
Symbolized by a wedding ring,
I know the best is yet to come,
Though we are two, we think as one,
For no matter what the future may bring,
I am proud it is you who wears my ring.
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by Duska Vrhovac
(Belgrade, Serbia)
First, I raised my head towards the sky
and put my hands together
closed the palms.
On the ceiling of a temple
one funny angel winked at me
bringing a smile to my face.
Seeing me smiling
the Lord just waved off
and as rigorous as He is
He smiled too.
Then I silently
spelling letter by letter
cherishing them with the lips
moistened with the Jordan’s water
called your name.
The angel winked again
and God got serious.
My first thought
it seemed like packing a suitcases
for the pilgrimage trip
inside yet nothing
and around just the relics:
prayer book
photos stored in the iris
memories of tears and laughter
deaths and births
lost and found words
and the hope in prophetic, a new
impossible, sweet and cruel
without which there is no life
nor death.
The second thought was:
Goodness gracious, move that suitcase
it cannot take the thoughts about the trip
let alone so much baggage.
Now, the angel got serious
and the Lord smiled again.
I, whatever I touched
felt just anxiety.
Only the emptiness of suitcase
was watching me quietly.
I called your name again.
The Lord looked at me motionlessly
but as he uttered a single letter
as if I heard something important, paternal: Aaand ...?
Bring him, Lord
I said out loud, and I opened my eyes.
I saw the angel taking off
and I saw the Lord
still motionlessly looking at me
with a paused question mark on his lips.
Bring him, Lord
I repeated clearly
while laying warm hands on the chest
in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer
and crossed myself.
Then the fireworks began.
Two doves frightened
of very loud sounds of celebration
whooshed just above my head.
The suitcase shut itself, empty.
Those relics of the former life
scattered around
entered into the shadows of their own
I set foot into the eve
the festive, New Year’s one.
Hunched, in front of me,
the Lord walked
or maybe just his shadow
who knows.
I acted foolhardy and now I uttered
his question Aaaand?
He turned
looked at me straight in the eye and
humanly, little pensively, spoke:
Sometimes I need help too.
It lasted, face to face with Him.
He and I, and between us - you!
No fooling, as if I heard.
It will open heart and die as Krishnamurti
like a deer in a quiet forest
in the light of the new moon
or it will close it completely, irretrievably
and live as another unborn I.
Then the fireworks stopped.
We remained for some time
in the comforting silence
of this festive eve
the Lord or his shadow
and we, you and me.
It all looked so literal
but it was a real life
so real that you would not believe.
After, you and the Lord left
each to his own side
I am still standing there
fearing the steps that lead
to the other side I have just chosen.
©Duška Vrhovac
(Translated from Serbian: Aleksandar Maleševic)
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by D.R. McKee
(Lafayette IN...USA)
Our eyes did meet and a beautiful site,
two souls intertwined forever as one.
A love so pure and deep,
like the rivers and the springs we flow.
Forever bound to you I am yours for the keeping.
My heart is no longer broken, forever no more weeping.
Your arms around me and a warm breath in my ear
are all I could ask for from year to year.
To you I say this for my happiness is overwhelming.
This love we have created it feels so right.
To have you to cherish is all I need
and the love you give me is for my heart to feed.
I need you to know this and understand it's true,
You are forever and my only hearts desire is you.
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by Darren Buunton
(Los Angeles)
Author, Darren Bunton
Like the sun at dusk
Like a rose in the wind
May your soul be at ease
At day's end
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The pearly treasures of the sea,
The lights that spatter heaven above,
More precious than these wonders are
My heart-of-hearts filled with your love.
The ocean's power, the heavenly sights
Cannot outweigh a love filled heart.
And sparkling stars or glowing pearls
Pale as love flashes, beams and darts.
So, little, youthful maiden come
Into my ample, feverish heart
For heaven and earth and sea and sky
Do melt as love has melt my heart.
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by Mark Hoffman
(Brooklyn NY)
There's no need to worry
For the day will never come
When I'm done loving you
The many ways in which I do
I will never let myself forget
The moment when we first met
The suspense was killing me
From waiting patiently
Until I could kiss your soft lips
That night was flawless
As well equally perfect
Exactly how you looked
I was actually nervous
But I knew you definitely
Would be worth it
I just couldn't resist
Comparing how this
Felt so different
To anything I've experienced
Particularly how easy
We could see
Right beneath the skyline
Where the stars looked perfectly aligned
I remember so clear
Watching you stare
For hours at the moon
It began to shine
Not a minute to soon
It really seemed
To have never moved
It was perfectly positioned
Right atop the ocean
It looked so amazing
I couldn't help mentioning
How there's nothing
That could ever compare
To feeling your heart
Start beating so hard
As we laid under the stars
It actually sent chills
Up my arms
As we walked by the ocean
Each step in the sand
You held on tighter to my hand
The calm sound of the cool breeze
We found the most beautiful palm tree
To sit underneath
To listen to each others heart beat
Even though the wind blew slow
You still could feel our love flow
Whispering words of romance
We promised right then
To leave nothing to chance
As I glanced in your eyes
Our lips finally Intertwined
It sent shivers down my spine
I wish that moment
Could of been frozen in time
Before the night was about to end
We agreed there's a possibility
We might never meet again
So in that palm tree
We carved beautifully
These words
"No matter how far
We are ever apart
Our love will remain
A burning flame
In our hearts
We promise each other
It will never go dark"
Most importantly
This will be our
Night To Remember
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
My love did sometimes wander,
And my thoughts did often roam,
From the one who held them dear,
And gave my love a home.
But I was young and restless,
And my heart would long to play,
Never thinking of the one I’d hurt,
When my love would go astray.
They say if you play with fire,
You sometimes will get burned,
And though the lessons were often hard,
The lessons did get learned.
For I know my heart belongs right here,
With the one whose love is true,
And if my thoughts should wander again,
They will wander back to you.
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by Louis Cecile
Time stands still
Stars come out at daylight
For a moment I have a vision
Homeostasis flows through the body
A glow divine
I am now weakened
Yet I endure marveled on this magical tour
A tour where my eyes cannot be opened
I can feel visualization
When released
I have found peace
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by Radmila
(Serbia )
I absorbed you in my eyes,
I gave you my arms,
I wove my dreams
for you!
I spread my years
before you.
You wait for me in the morning,
you flourish my soul.
You grant me with a heart,
you touch me with tranquility.
You speak quietly
and you pass through me
like a scent
when you walk across the field…
And when everything is over
and I go to sleep,
still it follows me,
that somnolent scent.
I know that you are here…
I absorbed you in my soul,
I dedicated my wishes to you.
With my wishes
I wish for you,
the miracles of nature
I feel for you.
I painted the morning scents
with you.
I put you
in my rivers,
I sheltered you
from my rains.
I know that you are here…
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There is a faith in loving fiercely
the one who is rightfully yours,
especially if you have
waited years and especially
if part of you never believed
you could deserve this
loved and beckoning hand
held out to you this way.
I am thinking of faith now
and the testaments of loneliness
and what we feel we are
worthy of in this world.
Years ago in the Hebrides
I remember an old man
who walked every morning
on the grey stones
to the shore of baying seals,
who would press his hat
to his chest in the blustering
salt wind and say his prayer
to the turbulent Jesus
hidden in the water,
and I think of the story
of the storm and everyone
waking and seeing
the distant
yet familiar figure
far across the water
calling to them,
and how we are all
preparing for that
abrupt waking,
and that calling,
and that moment
we have to say yes,
except it will
not come so grandly,
so Biblically,
but more subtly
and intimately in the face
of the one you know
you have to love,
so that when we finally step out of the boat
toward them, we find
everything holds
us, and confirms
our courage, and if you wanted
to drown you could,
but you don't
because finally
after all the struggle
and all the years,
you don't want to any more,
you've simply had enough
of drowning
and you want to live and you
want to love and you will
walk across any territory
and any darkness,
however fluid and however
dangerous, to take the
one hand you know
belongs in yours.
~ David Whyte ~
(House of Belonging)
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
They say that time is the great thief,
Robber of beauty and of looks,
I have heard it spoken times before,
Have read of it in books,
But as the years go by with you,
I realize more and more,
You just get that much better,
So much better than before.
For what may have caught my eye,
Was surely your pretty face,
But over the years I have come to know,
Your true beauty and inner grace,
For your true beauty is not seen,
Not what you choose to show,
It is your beauty that lies inside,
The beauty I've come to know,
And as the years pass on by,
You age just like fine wine,
And every year that passes by,
Makes me glad you're mine.
Far from your beauty ever fading,
I feel that I must say,
You just keep on getting better,
And more beautiful every day.
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A magic moment I remember:
I raised my eyes and you were there.
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that's beautiful and rare.
I pray to mute despair and anguish
To vain pursuits the world esteems,
Long did I near your soothing accents,
Long did your features haunt my dreams.
Time passed- A rebel storm-blast scattered
The reveries that once were mine
And I forgot your soothing accents,
Your features gracefully divine.
In dark days of enforced retirement
I gazed upon grey skies above
With no ideals to inspire me,
No one to cry for, live for, love.
Then came a moment of renaissance,
I looked up- you again are there,
A fleeting vision, the quintessence
Of all that`s beautiful and rare.
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There is a garden in her face
Where roses and white lilies blow;
A heavenly paradise is that place,
Wherein all pleasant fruits do flow:
There cherries grow which none may buy
Till 'Cherry-ripe' themselves do cry.
Those cherries fairly do enclose
Of orient pearl a double row,
Which when her lovely laughter shows,
They look like rose-buds fill'd with snow;
Yet them nor peer nor prince can buy
Till 'Cherry-ripe' themselves do cry.
Her eyes like angels watch them still;
Her brows like bended bows do stand,
Threat'ning with piercing frowns to kill
All that attempt with eye or hand
Those sacred cherries to come nigh,
Till 'Cherry-ripe' themselves do cry.
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by Kushal Raj Patnaik
(chandrapur, maharashtra, india)
Like the countless stars in the sky,
Like the lovely clouds floating by,
Like the romance of the full moon,
Want to be with you for ever soon...
And as the water that mystifies,
Transforming, it glorifies,
Unending like the flow before,
I'll love you for ever more!!!
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by mindbringer
(Northern Colorado)
Downcast eyes,
golden thighs.
One heart flies,
another cries.
Emotions rise,
mere words no one buys,
or worse than those, white lies.
So many tries,
elusive prize.
Then anger dies,
yells turn into sighs!
Love fits just one size,
bond that breaks all ties,
under gray October skies,
amidst the scent of apple pies.
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by Maria Beata Tungaraza
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Missing You!
In the heart of the somber night,
Reigned by the charm of the moonlight,
My head cuddled humbly by my fist,
It is indeed many a day,
You still are so far away,
Turning and tossing the gloomy night,
Akin to remedy,
In my heart you dwell alright,
Missing you!
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Batter my heart, three person'd God; for, you
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force, to break, blow, burn and make me new.
I, like an usurpt town, to another due,
Labour to admit you, but Oh, to no end,
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captiv'd, and proves weak or untrue,
Yet dearely I love you, and would be lov'd faine,
But am betroth'd unto your enemy,
Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chast, except you ravish me.
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Music: Erik Satie: "Gymnopédie #1"
Moonlight now on Malibu
The winter night the few stars
Far away millions of miles
The sea going on and on
Forever around the earth
Far and far as your lips are near
Filled with the same light as your eyes
Darling darling darling
The future is long gone by
And the past will never happen
We have only this
Our one forever
So small so infinite
So brief so vast
Immortal as our hands that touch
Deathless as the firelit wine we drink
Almighty as this single kiss
That has no beginning
That will never
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by Rhonda
A classic!
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
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If life were but a dream, my Love,
And death the waking time;
If day had not a beam, my Love,
And night had not a rhyme, --
A barren, barren world were this
Without one saving gleam;
I'd only ask that with a kiss
You'd wake me from the dream.
If dreaming were the sum of days,
And loving were the bane;
If battling for a wreath of bays
Could soothe a heart in pain, --
I'd scorn the meed of battle's might,
All other aims above
I'd choose the human's higher right,
To suffer and to love!
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Daybreak: William Adolphe Bouguereau
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Borne, like a vapor, on the summer air;
I see her tripping where the bright streams play,
Happy as the daisies that dance on her way.
Many were the wild notes her merry voice would pour,
Many were the blithe birds that warbled them o'er:
Oh! I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.
I long for Jeanie with the daydawn smile,
Radiant in gladness, warm with winning guile;
I hear her melodies, like joys gone by,
Sighing round my heart o'er the fond hopes that die:
Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
Oh! I long for Jeanie, and my heart bows low,
Never more to find her where the bright waters flow.
I sigh for Jeanie, but her light form strayed
Far from the fond hearts round her native glade;
Her smiles have vanished and her sweet songs flown,
Flitting like the dreams that have cheered us and gone.
Now the nodding wild flowers may wither on the shore
While her gentle fingers will cull them no more:
Oh! I sigh for Jeanie with the light brown hair,
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air.
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by mindbringer
(Northern Colorado)
Come to me gently,
like a cat's paw.
Come to me quietly
in this endless night.
In the dark, come to me!
We will drink each other's eyes,
taste each other's thighs,
hear each other's cries,
feel the heat of each other's love!
Come stealthily to me.
lest others follow thee.
Steal away like the end of the day.
Cover me in your warm night's cloak.
Drown me in love, in love let us soak!
Bathe me in your words of love,
I want to hear all that you say.
Come to me slowly, let me savor the wait.
My love, like two tapers are we
burning side by side
when at the end form one united pool.
Breathe me in and hold me.
Sail me like you would the wine-dark sea!
I've waited for thee through all eternity,
I can wait a few seconds more...
Come to me, come soon through my door!
No, come to me quickly,
Come to me now!
Light our fuses of love!
Blow apart our heart,
I can wait no longer!
This play still at its start
while I am at my end.
mindbringer, 31 August 2010
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I've oft been told by learned friars,
That wishing and the crime are one,
And Heaven punishes desires
As much as if the deed were done.
If wishing damns us, you and I
Are damned to all our heart's content;
Come, then, at least we may enjoy
Some pleasure for our punishment!
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by Natalie Williams
When I look at you;
I think of home.
Memories of twisted surf
and splashing cliffs.
Black rocks mottled with grey
splashes of organic paint.
Soot soul driven
by winds and hurricane.
Driving home in darkness.
Hot lemonade summers;
red with raspberries and cream.
What a lovely dream
it is to look at you.
When I think of you;
I look at home.
Coconut coloured eyes,
eyelashes lifting
and drooping
with shy.
Nude pink hills; your hips are
mountains I climb with fingered wishes,
and flowered lilac kisses.
When you smile secret ideas
lift with the lines your glasses
End pecked on your nose
Chocolate threads your hair is knitted;
entertained by your wit.
When I look at home; I look at you.
I am there again.
With you.
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
The summer sun rises over the hills,
With a beauty and certain grace,
But it cannot compete with the beauty of you,
Or the beauty of your face.
The falling snow in wintertime,
Makes everything look so new,
But it cannot compare with the beauty,
The beauty that is you.
The birds in springtime sing their song,
So sweetly and so pure,
But they cannot compare with your sweet words,
Of this you can be sure.
The colorful leaves on autumn trees,
All covered with morning dew,
May be glorious in their beauty,
But are nothing compared to you.
All the wonders on this fine earth,
And the glory of up above,
Are nothing compared to your sweet charms,
Or the beauty of your love.
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William-Adolphe Bouguereau
If you were coming in the fall,
I'd brush the summer by
With half a smile and half a spurn,
As housewives do a fly.
If I could see you in a year,
I'd wind the months in balls,
And put them each in separate drawers,
Until their time befalls.
If only centuries delayed,
I'd count them on my hand,
Subtracting till my fingers dropped
Into Van Diemen's land.
If certain, when this life was out,
That yours and mine should be,
I'd toss it yonder like a rind,
And taste eternity.
But now, all ignorant of the length
Of time's uncertain wing,
It goads me, like the goblin bee,
That will not state its sting.
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by Louis Cecile
To see what you have missed for most of your life
I witness beauty and thank fate for being so kind
A cycle of loving thoughts enter the mind
Though I often feel scared
With worries and fear
I thank someone that you are here
My heart reaches out often confusion comes from the mouth
Though we never met we have our special dance
Entranced by the energy that realised my inner glow
Surprised by my words often truly felt
When you feel near the earth falls from under
I wonder about
Dismayed without you I long to touch you
Others may try to steal you away
I know my sweet that I shall have my day
The world will stop the heavens be open
I have waited so long with such devotion
Awaiting the hour when we both see the same stars
A perfect moment
Feel our pleasure
Let us float to sky and yonder on high
As a bird feels free when we meet you can unravel me
With patience
With my usual fear
I await you dear
Poems by Louis Cecile at http://louiville.wordpress.com/
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by Fahredin Shehu
I have mixed the blood
and the honey to heal
the wounds of all past-s
an eternal juvenile approached to warn
unless you love unbiased
you don't have the right to feel as Man, and
unless you are thirsty as in desert
you have no right to celebrate freedom
alas I stand icy-solid
waiting the sun of her chest
to warm me up till I melt
and leak from the left behind her ear
till the navel
there I shall rest and
impregnate the eternity
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P oothu kulungum
R oja kootam kooda
E nnavalidam
E ppoludhum
T horthu pulambum,
H aiyoo!!!!
I valadhu
K angal
T haan
A zhaganavai endru.......
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by Alan W. Jankowski
(New Jersey, USA)
The snow falls gently on a winter's night,
But inside by the fire I hold you tight,
As the burning flames start to dance,
My thoughts of you turn to romance,
In the light of the evening fire's glow,
How much I love you, you'll never know.
Though it's cold outside, it's warm in here,
And the one I love I'm holding near,
Snow may fall but I don't mind the weather,
As long as you and I can be together,
The night is young and we've nowhere to go,
How much I love you, you'll never know.
We don't care about the winter storm,
Nestled with you, it's cozy and warm,
The storm may rage and the snow come down,
But as long as I've you to wrap my arms around,
The snow can fall and the four winds blow,
How much I love you, you'll never know.
Later on we'll retire to our room,
Hoping to relieve our winter gloom,
Replacing the cold with our own little fire,
Of being with you I can never tire,
But as much as I set your passions aglow,
How much I love you, you'll never know.
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For each ecstatic instant
We must an anguish pay
In keen and quivering ratio
To the ecstasy.
For each beloved hour
Sharp pittances of years,
Bitter contested farthings
And coffers heaped with tears.
Painting by Gustav Klimt: The Kiss
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